Homepage von Hans-Heino Ewers, Frankfurt am Main (www.hhewers.de)
Prof. Dr. Hans-Heino Ewers
Publikationen in englischer Sprache
"1. "Old Heroes in New Dress". In: The Lion and the Unicorn. A Critical Journal of Children's Literature. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press 9 (1985), S.70-74.
2. „Children’s and Youth Literature Reasearch in West Germany“. In: Children’s Literature Research. International Resources and Exchange. Ed. By the International Youth Library. München u.a.: K.G. Saur, 1991, S. 67-72.
3. "Children's Literature and the Traditional Storytelling". In: Poetics Today. International Journal for Theory and Analysis of Literature and Communication 13 (1992), H.1, S.169-178 ( = Themenheft "Children's Literature", hrsg. v. Zohar Shavit).
4. „The Limits of Literary Criticism of Children's and Young Adult Literature“. In: The Lion and the Unicorn. A Critical Journal of Children's Literature, Volume 19, No. 1, June 1995, S. 77-94.
5. "German Children's Literature from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century". In: International Companion of Children's Literature. Ed. by Peter Hunt. London a. New York: Routledge, 1996, S.735-747.
6. "Children's Literature in the Process of Modernisation. Some Preliminary Results from a Currant Research Project." In: Modernity, Modernism and Children's Literature. Ed. by Ulf Boethius. Stockholm: Centrum för Barnkultur Forskening, 1998, p.25-49.
7. „Can popular Children’s Literature be the origin for a critical discussion on the new media? In: Literatura Infantil y Juvenil: Tendencias actuales en investigación. Hrsg. v. Veljka Ruzicka Kenfel, Celia Vázquez Garciá, Lourdes Lorenzo Garciá. Vigo: Servicio de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo, 2000, p. 3-9.
8. „Changing Functions of Children’s Literature. New Book Genres and Literary Functions“. - In: Bookbird. A Journal of international Children’s Literature 38 (2000), No. 1, S.6-11.
9. “Children’s Literature Research in Germany. A Report“. – In: www.hhewers.de
10. “Children’s Literature Research in Germany.” - In: Children’s Literature Association Quarterly, Fall 2002, Vol. 27, No. 3 [2003], S. 158-165.
11. „Male Adolescence in German Fairy Tale Novellas of the Enlightenment, Romanticism, and Biedermeier“. In: Marvels & Tales. Journal of Fairy-Tale Studies Vol. 17, Nr. 1, 2003, p. 75-85.
12. “Childhood Memories of War and Children’s Literature about Contemporary History”. In De tweerde Wereldoorlog als moreel ijkpunt. Ed. by Piet Mooren and Helma von Lierop-Debrauwer. Leidschendam: Biblion Uitgeverij, 2005, p. 132-142.
13. „A Meditation on Children’s Literature in the Age of Multimedia“. - In: Children’s Literature Global and Local: Social and Aesthetic Perspectives. Ed. Emer O’Sullivan, Kimberley Reynolds, Rolf Rom?ren. Oslo: Novus Press 2005, p. 255-268.
14. “Religious Literature and Modernity. A German Controversy about the Criticism of Children’s Literature around 1900”. – In: Religion, Children’s Literature and Modernity in Western Europe 1750-2000. Editors: Jan De Maeyer, Hans-Heino Ewers, Rita Ghesquière, Michel Manson, Pat Pinsent & Patricia Quaghebeur. Leuven: Leuven University Press 2005 (KADOC Studies on Religion, Culture and Society; Vol. 3), p. 281-294.
15. „Between Description and Interpretation. Historiography and Canonization in the Field of Children’s Literature” [2006]. – In: www.hhewers.de.
16. „Germany“.- In: The Oxford Encyclopaedia of children's literature. / Jack Zipes, ed. in chief. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2006, Vol. 2, S. 131-136.
17. „Children of Nature, Children of God. Images of Childhood and Children’s Literature from the Enlightenment to Romanticism”. In: The Changing Face of Childhood. British Children’s Portraits and their Influence in Europe. Catalogue. Ed. by Mirjam Neumeister. London: Dulwich Picture Gallery, Frankfurt/Main: Städel Museum 2007, p. 47-57.
18. „H. C. Andersen as Seen by Critics of German Children’s Literature since the Beginning of the Twentieth Century”. In: Marvels & Tales. Journal of Fairy-Tale Studies, Vol. 20, No. 2 , 2006 [2007], p. 208-223.
19. “Modern Animal Fiction of the late 19th and early 20th Century as Political Literature” [2007]. In www.hhewers.de , 9 p.
20. “Reading Promotion and Educational Policy in Past and Present”
[2007]. In www.hhewers.de , 11 p.
Publikationen in französischer Sprache
„La littérature moderne pour enfants. Son evolution historique a travers l‘exemple allemand di XVIIe au XXe siecle“. Dans: Histoire de l’enfance en occident. De l‘antiquité au XVIIe siècle. Sous la direction des Egle Becchi et Dominique Julia. 2 Bde. Paris: Seuil, 1996, Bd.2, S. 434-460.
„Le comique dans la littérature enfantine de langue allemande“. Dans: L‘humour dans la littérature de jeunesse. Sous la direction de Jean Perrot. Paris: in press éditions, 2000 (Collections lectures d’enfance), S. 19-28.
„La Littérature de jeunesse entre roman et art de la narration. Réflexions à partir de Walter Benjamin“. In: Revue de Littérature comparée 304, 76 Jg. (2002), H.4, S. 421-430.
„Parler de son enfence de guerre, une éducation à la paix. La littérature de jeunesse en tant que dialogue intergénérationel“. In: L'Edition pour la jeunesse entre héritage et culture de masse / Children's publishing between heritage and mass culture. Actes du colloque des 25-27 novembre 2005. CD-ROM consultable sur PC (version interactive – Windows 2000 ou XP) et Mac (fichiers pdf – Acrobat Reader 5). Institut international Charles-Perrault, 2005.
Publikationen in italienischer Sprache
Lo sviluppo storico della letteratura per l'infanzia dell'epoca borghese dal settecento al novecento. L'esempio tedesco. Übers. v. Donatella Mazza. In: Storia dell' Infanzia. Hrsg. v. Egle Becchi und Dominique Julia. 2 Bde. Roma-Bari: Laterza, 1996, Bd.2, S.408-430.
Publikationen in dänischer Sprache
„Børne- og ungdomslitteratur - litteratur i pædagogikkens tjeneste eller selvstæendig digtekunst? Bemærkninger til et prinipielt spørgsmål, som tiden for længst er løbet fra“. In: Nedslga i børnelitteraturforskningen. Fredericsberg: Roskilde Universitatsforlag, 2001, S.175-197.
„H. C. Andersen – kongen over alle b?rnebogsforfattere? Kommentarer til den b?rnebogslitteraturkritiske diskussion af H.C. Andersens eventyr i Tyskland i begyndelsen og midten af det 20. århundrede”. In: På opdagelse i b?rnelitteraturen. Festskrift til Torben Weinreich. Redigeret af Nina Christensen og Anna Karskov Skyggebjerg, K?benhavn: H?st & S?n 2005, S. 112- 126.
„Mellem beskrivelse og fortolkning. Historiografi og kanonisering inden
for børnelitteraturens område”. In: Nedslga i børnelitteraturforskningen
8. Fredericsberg: Roskilde Universitatsforlag, 2007, S. 41-57.
webmaster: Christian D. Uhlmann, letzte Bearbeitung: 22.03.2008